Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Another short snippet for book... needs alot of rewriting - 

I sat with her, with one of the many unsent letters written by Zoya. out of the stack I randomly pulled one out. 

I dont know who she had written this for, there was no name it just began suddenly. Just like it ended suddenly. 

"You asked me when would I write for and about you and I simply replied darling it’ll happen.

I have been meaning to write about you for a while, but somehow dont have the right words to describe what you make me feel.

They say love happens in the most unexpected of all places and look at us. We were sure even before we met each other that this wasn’t meant to be. 

I laugh out aloud every time I think of the first time we met – the awkward pauses, both of us trying to think what to say while we were talking and the oddness of the way we said good-bye.

But as you walked away, I kept on wanting to call out to you and say stay back, spend a little more time with me, there is this something about you that makes me wonder – may be!

As we spoke more I realized we were the same and yet so different… As we met more I knew I would like too see that smile often and that twinkle in your eyes because you were just happy to be alive."

"To say I have madly fallen in love with you would be injustice to us. You are not someone to be loved madly or insanely. You are the very thing that brings sanity to my life… you make me feel normal and sane.

To think it has been but a few days knowing you seems strange, for it seems I have known you forever. I do not say why did we not meet earlier, but I am happy that we have met now and not later when life may have made more cynical and pessimistic.

There is this smile that comes to my face when I think of you. A smile I am not familiar with. There is happiness I feel from within when I think of you, a sense of contentment that I have never felt.

With ease and without intrusion you have become a part of my everyday existence as if you have been here forever. You heal me in such way, that it feels as if I was a fool to have gotten hurt. But had it not been for the hurt, may be I wouldn’t have found you.

You make me feel good about everything in life and every worry seems to have a simple solution, sometimes too simple a solution. You simplify life for me. With you I do not have to pretend to be anyone but who I truly am, including a child at times.

You ease into the house as if you have been here forever and as you ease in to the people I know I see an odd familiarity and camadrie between them and you. It is as if they have known you for as long as I have known them. They are at ease, as if they know you will not harm me or them.

I feel oddly safe when you are there. Safe enough, to just let go of all the care in the world.

While I miss you when you are not around, it isn’t the mad craving or the insanity I have felt before, for I feel this strange comfort where I know you will be with me when possible.

These are the many words… And there will be many more to come…"

I could imagine the smile that must've played on her lips as she wrote these words and the twinkle that must have been in her eyes. 

But I was sure, whoever this was addressed must have long been gone, or Zoya wouldn't have been gone!

1 comment:

Jognoseini said...

One of your more "cheery" posts. Put a smile on my face!