Monday, December 26, 2011


She walked in from work… something was right about today… may be because it was finally cold… just the way she liked…
Something about the day was good from the moment she woke up… something was right… she was happy just to wake up today… she smiled from the moment she awoke…
With every breathe she took, she enjoyed the smell of winter. She felt alive after o long and she did not know why. Maybe the realization that it was ok to love someone who youd never get… may be realizing that if she was happy about the few months they had shared together and was not crying for the lifetime they might have had together did not mean she did not love her enough or at all…
What ever it was something had changed for her this morning, something wasn’t the same… life looked better, life smiled and the pain of not having her made her feel more alive and happy, for it meant she had the power to love still…
When the day came to an end she never knew and the drive back home was never so pleasant as she felt it was even though the traffic was no less, if not more, nor was there any lack of jams, errant drivers… but none of it bothered her… she felt free after so long…
She was happy in her own solitude and her loneliness… she realized she was happy with just the thoughts of that one, the one who got away… the only one she had ever truly loved… the only one she had wanted and prayed for each day…
She walked into the house, and blasted music, made herself a strong drink and opened all the doors and windows to let the smell and the cold of winter creep into the house…
She lit all the candles… it was a date with herself tonight… she walked into the kitchen and  cooked herself a meal… opened the best bottle of wine for herself… as she savoured every bite of what she ate, she remembered the wonderful evenings and meals they had shared together and with music…
She walked out to the balcony, taking in the smell of the cold winter night, enjoying the wind rustling the leaves gently and yet the stillness of the night… she took the decision that was long due…
She decided that she was tired of living in two halves, two parts of her – one that was happy for the world and the other that was forever sad… she knew she was tired…
She walked up to her room, changed into that the sari that she had been gifted by her and yet had never worn… when she stepped out into the balcony and it was biting cold… she walked to the edge, and she jumped… jumped down 6 floors to her freedom and to her escape…
And she was free at last… and as she fell, she smiled…

Thursday, November 03, 2011


It’s been months since I last saw you, or saw you so much as smile… months and the world hasn’t moved an inch… even when it has tried to, something holds it back…
I look around and see some happy faces, some sad ones, and yet the only face I look for every where is your’s. Not seeing you in so long makes everything incomplete… Something is forever missing…
When I drive through this city, I forever look for your car - so that if nothing else I catch a glimpse of you… So often I think maybe I should call just so that I can hear your voice… Sometimes I wish I had the guts to stand all night long outside your door, just to be able to see you step out sometime in the morning… Even if it means you’ll kill me…
Your scent still lingers on in my mind and when there’s nothing I can do to remove it from there… Everything I smell I try and catch your scent somewhere in there …
The mystery in your eyes, the half crooked smile when I did something stupid or amusing and that laughter that was like music to my ears - all are missing and I feel, as if life is missing…
While I talk to the world and I spend my time with them, I am not there… I’m with you even though you are not there… You are this parallel track that runs in my mind at all waking hours and each minute I sleep.
I know I was a no one; someone easily forgotten and deleted; but for me you are not the same… I have so many conversations with you in my mind that at times I am amazed if I am even sane anymore…
Each person I meet I look for your reflection in them, something that might ease the pain of not having you here anymore…
When I look at my hands, I can only think of those brief moments - when I held yours, touching your soft skin, your hair, your face… I live in those brief memories of 6 months and it seems eternity was spent in that tiny duration…
Whether in a group or all alone, I cannot stop you from being there… you’re there, you are everywhere… everything is incomplete without you ….
I cannot enjoy cooking anymore… Whenever I cook, I cannot help but think off you…
I cannot laugh anymore because the thought of me making you laugh comes to my mind and how much I miss that laughter…
People say I should hate you; but I cannot (not that I make an effort too).
In return I hate my house because it is so incomplete without you; I hate holidays because all I looked forward too was spending some time with you on that day…
I started sleeping on your side of the bed so that maybe I’d miss you less, but that doesn’t happen either…
Nothing I do – meeting people, keeping myself busy, working harder etc etc stops you from being there in my head… there’s nothing I am able to do to get you out of my system….
As if time has stopped and I am stuck at that point when I met you… I cannot sleep much anymore; for it isn’t the restful sleep I had when you came… there isn’t the peace I felt when you were sleeping next to me, 3 feet away but here and I knew I was safe…
I look at my phone a 100 times a day hoping to see some message or some call from you…
I check my email all the time hoping to hear a word from you but nothing…
Each night I sleep thinking I will wake up in the morning and maybe just maybe things will change and you will be here or may be the pain will go… and every morning I wake up with the realization that you are not coming back…
Stuck In A State Of Limbo, My Own Purgatory, Burning In This Inferno; For I Am Damned In This Infernal Plot Of Life!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

People and their insecurities very often scare me.

People and their insecurities very often scare me. 
Why would you be uncomfortable if saw a loved one happy with someone, being taken care of, loved and pampered? How can it bother you or upset you to see them laugh and their eyes twinkle with knowledge that they are royalty? 

What would you want to question that equation, as long as you’re not getting hurt and neither are the other two people?
What is it in that relationship that bothers you? Is it the comfort and the acceptance that it is just for those few moments that are they have together? 

Or is it because you know its short lived and hence it may not be worth the effort that either one puts in? Why do you care if it conforms to your understanding of friendship or not? 
Love in any form cannot be contained within parameters laid. We make our own choices how to love someone and how much. Each one makes their choice, sometimes knowingly and many a times without the knowledge that you can love this one more person... 

So often it is that we know, the way we love a certain person, they will not ever and yet we chose to love them, because it isn’t in our hands. Then the choice you are left with is how much you want to give to that unrequited love.

Why would it concern, let alone bother anyone how much you invest in your relationship with someone. If I do hundred things for someone, I know that more than anything else I get in return it is that smile and I get to see those eyes twinkle with mischief, knowing that I will get bullied into agreeing to anything. 

While I know there nothing more than those few hours and days that I will get in my life, I also know that I have a life to live in which I shall not have the regret that I did not do all that I wanted to for that person. How can this bother someone else? How does it matter to them, if those small gestures are between us? Why do they have to mean anything to anyone? They could also mean nothing, but just small signs of gentle affection.

Every friend in my life has a different place and there have always been certain gestures reserved for each. While some can bully and order me, I am over protective about some and with some I am the child and with some I am the protector... but each one has a place of their own. 

Four years, two deaths and I have learnt to tell each of my friends what they mean to me, then why this questioning of why I would behave in a certain way with a certain person and not you. 

There are a millions things I would do for you and not for them. And all I expect in return from you and them is to know that you know I love you for a tomorrow may come when I might not be able to say it and then I don’t want to live or die with the regret that I never let you or them know that. 

I know I bring some amount of happiness in her life. Being her jester, the donkey, whose sole aim in life is to spoil her. 

So why would it matter and bother anyone, when even if it is for a few fleeting moments that I bring a smile on her face. How can that be wrong, when I am not asking for or expecting anything in return save for that smile. 

The joy of seeing someone you love happy because of something you did is priceless and I do not understand how it can bother anyone. Every person in the world deserves to feel loved and special and what is wrong if I make someone feel that way? Each individual has the right to feel that there’s this one person who loves them unconditionally and without any expectation and whose every effort is to make them smile. 

How can it bother another person, especially when it is someone you claim to love yourself? Why can you not let two people just those few stolen moments?

Keep your insecurities to yourself and let each one live!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Opening to my book, whenever I manage to write it!

Ever so often I pick up a pen and look for a paper, thinking may be today I will be able to write to you or may be, just about you.
And with each attempt I realize it isn’t possible for I sometimes feel I say too much and sometimes I feel I haven’t said enough. There is so much within me that I would like to say to you and yet the words never seem enough. 
And, so I turn to the words of others to describe what I feel for you and even then their words seem incomplete, as if nothing and no else’s words except my own can describe what I feel. I know that this sounds crazy and incoherent.

So that is why today I attempt to write once again. 
As clichéd as it may it sound, every waking moment I am thinking of you. You’re in my mind the whole time and not a moment goes by without you in my thoughts. 
I have told you several times before and I shall say it again. I fell in love with you, the minute you walked in through that door. I knew I was gone, the minute I laid my eyes on you and it was your very eyes that captivated me from the second I saw you. 
There’s this world hidden within them, a world I would love to be a part off!
While the day goes by with you in my head, the night is the toughest. It is then that I miss you the most. It is then that you not being here hits me hard.  
Every second in bed, as I lie awake, I am in anguish, for all I think about is of how nice it would be to have you here with me, to hold you and smell your scent. 
It would be paradise to fall off to sleep holding on to you, caressing your soft skin and feeling your sweet smelling breath next to me. 
And then, I think of how nice it would be to wake up in the morning, find you still here, next to me and be able to watch you, sleep. How wonderful it would be feel to see your face when you could wake up, look at me and smile, just once in a while. 
I would love it, if I could come back home everyday to the thought of coming to you. I would be happy if I could do my favourite things for you. 
I would love to spend a lazy day at home with you, lazing around the house, serving you hand and foot like royalty... lying in bed watching television with my nose buried in your hair, smelling your scent, that scent of yours which drives me insane.  I would love to lie down with my head in your shoulder and just read, while you talk, do whatever you want to or sit silently. 
I would love to wait for you when you want your space and wouldn’t want me around. I can just imagine myself fall off to sleep waiting for you and then wake up in the middle of the night and find you sleeping next to me. 
It would be nice to know at the end of a day you would like to talk to me and tell me some of the things that go on in your mind. 
As I spend more time with you, I realise how perfect to me you seem, not only because you are perfect, because you are everything I ever wanted and yet I know I cannot have you.
From that first evening that we met, I felt as if this is going to be someone who will be around in my life forever, in whatever way possible. As we meet and as we talk more, I realise how thankful I am to God to have sent you in my life. 
You reaffirm my faith in innocence that might still exist in the world. You give me the hope that all is still not lost and there hope still. I never knew I had such a gentle side to me as I have with you around. 
I had suspected that someone might just be able to bring out that dormant aspect of my personality someday which lies hidden under the years of heart break and inability to trust life and people. 
You make me hopeful. You have made me into a romantic. You make me feel alive!
Each time I look at you, my heart skips a beat and my breath stops. I cannot breathe, for the joy of seeing you make the blood rush to my head. When I hug you for that brief second, your scent numbs my brain and my instinct is not to let go off you because that may be the only way you would stay. 
Sometimes I feel I can write a book on all that that I feel for you. Your thought makes me smile and brings tears to my eyes - tears of joy. The joy of you coming into my life, the joy of smiling by the very thought of you, the joy of my heart stopping every time I think of you. Just the pure JOY you bring to my life and to me. 
Every second of knowing you exist and are there in my life makes me thank the divine powers for your existence. 
I look at your photographs and I cannot understand how someone could let go of you and look elsewhere, for I cannot stop looking at you. I would rather look at the real you around all the time, but I manage with the images of you that adorn my mind and heart - pictures of you smiling, laughing and of you sleeping next to me. 
After the first night that you were alone with me here, the way I looked at my house has changed. It suddenly became lonely and it became empty without you. 
There was something incomplete in my fortress. And, now all of a sudden I feel vulnerable, as if my soul lay bare to someone, that someone is you. 
While it scares me, it makes me happy too. 
When you are here, my house seems complete, it feels like a home and not just an apartment. You are that thing that has always been missing, leaving a sense of incompleteness in this haven of mine. 
Ever so often, I imagine how you would be around the house and what you would do in which corner. I sit out on the balcony and stare at the stars and the moon and think of how much you might enjoy the view from here, with or without me. 
Ever so often I imagine us out on the roof, sitting together in the quilt, sometimes talking and very often just sitting together in silence, not a spoken word to pierce through the silence, but the silence being our only voice and our only conversation. 
There are times I feel I could write a thousand pages to express what I feel, but I know that even those thousand pages with a million words will not be able to say everything I feel. Because you make me feel so many things at the same time... so many wonderful things. 
You flood my heart with emotions that I never knew I could feel and my mind with thought that I never knew I could think off.
You make me feel alive. You make me feel so good. 
Every day I pray that one day you find someone who makes you feel everything that you make me feel. And you would then know, what a wonderful feeling it is to be in love with someone. 
To enjoy just the pure blissful pleasure of being able to look at them and hear them talk, of hearing their breath next to you in the night and looking at them when you wake up. 
The joy of feeling that there is this one person you are so in love with that the world pales out. 
The joy of holding the hand of someone you want, even if it is for a few fleeting moments, like I have on those few occasions when I got to hold yours. 
The joy of running your hands through the hair of that certain someone; just as I feel every time I get that chance. 
The joy of just being able to kiss them, gently at first and then passionately; as if that may be last time you get to kiss them. 
The joy that everything and anything that the person does or says makes you feel. 

The joy of feeling wanted and the joy of wanting. 

You bring pure, untainted Joy into my life and yet I know this joy is short lived, for you cannot be mine. 
But, I want you to know that I am thankful that you came into my life. And, even though you can never be mine or be with me, you have given me something that will remain in me forever. 
I will be thankful for all my life for the few moments of bliss, delight and Joy that you have made me feel. I will love you forever and till the end. I will wait for I have a hope that may be, just maybe you will come someday and not leave. 
Even after writing over 1500 words and four pages, there is still so much within me that cannot be put into words. So I shall end this letter to you, my first and last love letter to you by saying just this much: 
I want you to remember just one thing - I love you with all my heart and soul. And, that I will forever.

Monday, January 24, 2011

An evening that changed me - A part of an incomplete story yet to be completed...

Can one single evening with this one person you love, probably the only evening you would ever have, change how you feel forever?

I think for me it did. One evening, a single night and a few hours of the morning with her have left this void within that I never felt I could feel. There is something that makes me feel incomplete without her. I have never wanted someone the way I want this girl. I have never enjoyed watching anyone sleep the way I enjoyed watching her sleep. 

When she left I felt as if something within me just left at that same minute. Something doesn’t feel right, something is incomplete… there is this sense of hollowness that I don’t know what to do about. May be it is passing, fleeting momentary emotion, but it is a strong emotion nonetheless. 

Even though I know she won’t come back, and there wasn’t much there for her to hold on too, but I cannot somehow resist hoping what if I am wrong, and I might wake up one morning to find her right there. 

She has taken over my heart, my mind and touched my soul in so short a period of time that even I can’t believe. She has left me like a ship wrecked sailor, on an island, unfamiliar safe, yet lonely. I never thought I could spend one evening with a person and when they would leave I would feel so empty and lonely. 

The words I keep one repeating is empty, hollow and lonely. One evening and life has changed. One woman and I am a wreck. I know myself well enough that I will be able to pull through this too; for I am Noor and no emotion linger within me long. 

But an evening and one person changed me forever!